Your generosity and compassion will help bring refugee families back together.

Being reunited with family members is the most pressing concern for refugees in New Zealand. With your help we can bring families back together.

Become a regular donor

Supporting the Auckland Refugee Family Trust with a regular gift is the best way you can help us as it allows the Trust to continue to replenish its funds for the next family in need.

*All donations over $5 are tax deductible

To set up a regular automatic payment please use the following details:

Account name: Auckland Refugee Family Trust
Account Number – 38-9010-0704176-03
Reference: Your Name

After you have made this payment please email our Treasurer at  with the following information:

  • Your name and the reference used

  • Mailing address

  • Email Address

  • Phone number

This is to ensure we can send you a receipt for your donation.

Our charities commission registration number is: CC44892

Or make a donation through our givealittle page: